Welcome to my website - a solution-oriented world!
Instead of getting rid of something destructive, we will create something different and more productive.
We will construct something better together, which over time will displace and replace the unnecessary, putting your desires at the center of your thoughts.
By learning self-understanding during therapy and taking small steps in this direction, you can change yourself, thereby becoming stronger internally.
And then,
You will replace your fear first with courage, then with calmness.
You will replace your loneliness with healthy fulfillment and, at some point, unity with yourself.
You will replace your inertia with meaning, motivation and satisfaction.
You will replace sadness with emotional balance, and later with joy.
You will replace rejection with acceptance, invitation and respect.

My qualifications
Samara State Medical University (Russia), specialization – therapist.
Certificate of Endocrinology Specialist (Russia)
Doctor of Medical Sciences (Candidate of Medical Sciences) (Russia)
Certificate of Master of Science in Psychotherapy (Private Sigmund Freud University (SFU)) in Research in Systemic Family Therapy (Austrian Association for Family Therapy (ÖAS))
Certificate of psychotherapist.
Systemic family therapy
Entry into the list of psychotherapists of the Federal Ministry of Health.
Certificate in Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy as per Continuing Education Guidelines III. C.1 Federal Ministry of Health
Certificate of Doctor of Psychotherapeutic Sciences (Dr.scient. pht.)
Member organizations:

Austrian Working Group on Systemic Therapy and Systems Research
Austrian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism
European Society of Endocrinology